How Can I Put a Password on My DLink Wireless Router ?

Every router comes with a default login password through which you can access the router's web interface. However, that default password is very generic and pretty much known to everybody, so it becomes crucial to change that default password and create a stronger one to avoid any kind of unauthorized access.

So, to put a password on your D-Link wireless router, you first need to access the router's configuration page with the help of your IP address, web browser, and default login credentials. You can navigate the settings and edit the password. Once you are done changing the password, save the changes and reboot the router.

Put Password on DLink Wireless Router:

Setting up a password for your Dlink Wireless Router is easy and can be done by following simple steps.Dlink is one of the most widely used router devices because it's easy to configure and troubleshoot.

Follow the Steps Below to Set a Password on Your Dlink Wireless Router.

Step 1: First reset your Dlink router. Press the “Reset” button at the back of your router using a pin or any paper clip. Make sure to keep it pressed for around 20 seconds, also keep in mind that you don’t over-repeat this procedure as resetting your router manually for more than 3-5 times can cause permanent damage.

Step 2: Connect your Dlink router to your computer using an Ethernet cable, i.e insert one side of the cable in one of your router’s LAN port (there should be around 4-6 ports at the back of your router) and another side into the LAN port of your computer.

Now power on your Dlink router and let it stabilize for few seconds. Once done move to next step.

Step 3: Open your web browser and type in the URL field and hit “Enter”. This will redirect you to the default Dlink Wireless Router homepage.

Step 4: You will be prompted to enter a username & password, put “admin” in the username field and leave the password field blank and hit “Enter”. In case your ISP provided you with username and password enter the same in the respective fields.

Step 5: Once on the homepage, go to “security’ > “wireless” > “wireless & security”, under this Wireless & security tab, change the security settings to WPA or WPA2.

Step 6: Now under “wireless security” mode you will see “pre-shared-key” change it to a strong password you can remember. Note it down separately, in case you might forget it in future.

Step 7: Save the settings and close the window. Now disconnect the Dlink Wireless Router from your computer and switch it off for few seconds to let the changes apply.

Step 8: Now switch on your Dlink wireless router, you have successfully changed the password of your Dlink router.


Hopefully, the above-mentioned steps helped you in setting up a password. If you face any further problem or in case you didn’t understand any step, kindly revert back with your query and what the issue is, and I would definitely try to help.