Changing the password of your D-Link router is not a tough job. You have to first open the configuration page of the router with the help of the internet browser and manage the settings. To access the router, you require a web browser IP address and login details.
By adding the correct username and password, you can log in to your router and configure the settings. Usually, d-link routers are not assigned passwords, so you can leave the password box empty. Once you are logged in, go to the wireless tab and follow the procedure to change the password of the D-link router.
To change Dlink default password, if neither of the above-mentioned addresses works, then you can enter http://dlinkrouter. The hostname works for every kind of D-Link router.
Once you have made the changes in the default password of the Dlink router, then the wireless devices are going to get disconnected and will need a new password for reconnection.
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