
How To Setup TP Link Router For Wireless

I have a TP-link router which I got it from my friend, he asked me to reboot it and then set it up to my home network. The problem is I do not know how to do it? My technical knowledge is quite limited so, if anyone can tell me how to do it in an easy way will be quite helpful.

  • Cliff

  • 3


  • 4 years ago

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Answer - 1

Setup TP Link ac1200 Setup:

I recently bought an TP Link AC1200 router for my home network and I will tell you what I did to configure it on my own. Setting up your TP-link router wireless is same for almost all models,

So you can Follow Method to Setup TP Link AC1200 Router.

Step 1 : First, connect your router to a power source and then to your laptop or computer. You need an ethernet cable generally yellow or blue in color.

Step 2 : Connect one end of the cable into one of the LAN ports (your router has 3-6 LAN ports depending on the model number) while the other end goes inside the Ethernet port at the back of your computer. The ADSL cable coming out of your wall outlet will go inside the WAN port of your router.

Step 3 : Now open your web browser and type in your local IP address into the URL address bar at the top. Local IP is different from the global one, so googling 'my IP address' won't help.

Note: If you do not know how to find your local IP address, click here.

Step 4 : Once you enter the IP address, you will be redirected to the login page of your router. Enter the username and password as provided by your ISP. In case they did not give you one, chances are default credentials will work. If you do not know the default one, try these

Username: admin

Password: password/ leave it blank

Step 5 : Once on the main settings page, click on LAN/Internet settings, a new window will open up. On that page, enable DHCP, then select the bandwidth channel from the list. Save the settings.

Step 6 : Now from the main page, click on Security settings again you will be redirected to a separate Window. First, change the Encryption type to WPA2 and just below you will see a box for Pass-Key, this is your wifi password, create a strong password you can remember and note it down, as this will be required to connect to your router wirelessly.

Step 7 : Install all the necessary drivers from the CD you got along with the router, if you do not have one, go to the official website and download it from there as it is free of cost. After installation of drivers, reboot your router and you have successfully setup your TP-Link router.

  • Published by:  Rock   
  •  9 months ago
Answer Link
Answer - 2

Setup TP Link Router:

Step 1: Connect the main router to the LAN port on TP-Link router through Ethernet cable.

Step 2: Connect your computer to anther LAN port through Ethernet cable then login to TP-LINK web interface through the IP address on the bottom label by the following tips: How do I log into the web-based utility of TP-LINK router

Step 3: Go to Network ->LAN on the left side menu change the LAN IP address of TP-LINK router to the same LAN of the main router.( For example if your main router gets the IP address of 192.168.2.X (1<X<254) is recommended for TP-LINK router).

After that it would require a Reboot. Please click OK to reboot and then relogin to TP-LINK page with the new IP address

Step 4: Configure the wireless Go to Wireless->Wireless Settings page configure the SSID (Network name) and Channel. (If it is a dual band device please don't forget to select the Band.) Click Save button.

Go to Wireless->Wireless Security page configure the wireless security. Here WPA-PSK/AES is recommended. PSK Password is the key of your wireless.

Step 5: Go to DHCP on the left side menu disable the DHCP Server and click Save button.

Step 6: Go to System Tools->Reboot page click Reboot button to reboot the device. After all of the tips above your computer would have internet through any LAN ports of TP-LINK by an Ethernet cable.

At the same time your wireless client would have access to the TP-LINK wirelessly through the SSID and Password pointed to this.

  • Published by:  Piper   
  •  9 months ago
Answer Link
Answer - 3

Setup TP Link Router:

TP-LINK company allows users to configure their routers working in N standard (marked as below) using the appropriate wizard built into Windows 7 operating system.

  1. Connect the cable from the Internet provider (terminated with RJ-45 connector) to the WAN port of the router then connect the device to a power outlet.
  2. On a computer running Windows 7 look up a wireless network named TP-LINK_XXXXXX (where XXXXXX- MAC address of the wireless router different for each item; in the example: D2D4A8) and double click it.
  3. The new window displays information in the connected router and its configuration options. Press OK.
  4. Read and remember (or jot down) the PIN of your router (on the bottom side). The PIN of our router is 01388558.
  5. Enter the PIN into the field in the newly open window and confirm it by clicking Next.
  6. Type in a name of your wireless network into the Enter network name field which will be displayed instead of TP-LIN_XXXXXX. Then click on Change password security level or encryption type (advanced).
  7. The additional option allows you to configure WiFi network security. The Security key should be easy to remember but not easy to guess by other people (it is recommended to include some special signs such as @ # $ % & etc). Then click Next.
  8. Configuration in progress:
  9. After uploading the configuration the device may reboot:
  10. After completion of the configuration the new window shows the security key that can be printed for further reference. The network profile can be also copied to a flash drive.
  11. Windows 7 will display a window to define the kind of the network (location). Depending on the location of the router (home office public place) an appropriate network security profile is activated.
  12. Our router has been installed in a private network where computers can communicate among themselves so we have chosen the home network option:
  • Published by:  Point   
  •  9 months ago