If you wish to set up your TP-link router with PTCL, then follow the steps. First, connect your TP-link router with the help of an ethernet cable to your laptop or computer device. Now, with the help of a browser, enter the IP address of your TP-link, and you will be redirected to a login page where you have to enter the username and password of your TP-link router.
Once you are locked in, open the web console page and change the IP address of your router. Now save the changes and confirm to reboot the device. Now, after restarting, go to the network, then when and choose the static IP option under when connection type. Enter the IP address. Your TP link router is fully configured now.
STEP 1: Your TP-Link should be connected to the computer/Laptop through a LAN/Ethernet cable. One side should be inserted in the LAN card, and the other end in one of the Yellow ports of TP-link.
Open a new page of Internet Explorer in order to access the router's web console page. By default, the IP address is "". Enter Username and Password, which is "admin" (Lower case).
STEP 2: After opening the Web Console page, click on "NETWORK" then "LAN" and change the IP address from "" to ""(Other than PTCL router).
Click on "SAVE", and there will be a pop-up window asking you to confirm the reboot, so to continue settings, click"OK" and wait for 2 minutes.
STEP 3: After restarting the procedure, click "NETWORK" then "WAN" and select "STATIC IP" in "WAN CONNECTION TYPE". Enter the IP address (it should be in the same IP range as your PTCL modem, e.g.,
If your PTCL modem default IP is, then you can continue the same IP settings as shown in the below snapshot. DNS is optional, but it is recommended that you enter Default Gateway in Primary DNS. Finally, click on "SAVE".
STEP 4: Your TP-Link router is configured. Simply plug in the LAN wire. One end should be connected to the PTCL modem, and the other end should be connected to the TP-link WAN port(Blue port). You have completed the TP-link router configurations.
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