1 year ago
You can block the websites on the router and by using the DNS. To block the websites on your router you will have to find the IP address and access the back end of the router. Once you have access to the back end of the router you can add the website to the blacklist and your router will prevent the access.
You can block websites by visiting the OpenDNS and setting up an account. Further, you can use OpenDNS Home Internet security or Family Shield to block specific websites and filter out unwanted websites.
You don't have to spend money on a web surveillance service if you want to keep prying eyes away from those pages. You may use the settings on your router to disable unencrypted websites. If the websites you want to block are encrypted, you can use a free service such as OpenDNS to filter them out.
Most home routers are unable to block links to websites that are encrypted (HTTPS://). By searching for a padlock icon to the left of the site's URL, you can tell if it's encrypted. If the pages you're attempting to block are encrypted, move on to the next portion.
If the pages you want to block aren't encrypted, you can normally do so with the built-in tools on your router. To get to these, open a web browser on a device connected to your network and go to the router's configuration page.
Enter the default administrator account details if you haven't updated it before. For certain routers, the username is "admin" or "blank," and the password is "admin" or "blank." If you don't know the default login details for your router, look it up in the documentation.
Create an account with a strong and safe password to use OpenDNS Home Internet Security, and you'll be led to the backend.
You may also use your antivirus software or firewall to block websites by setting a blanket ban on individual websites. This will block everything, and you will then whitelist the websites you want to be able to access on your home network. The default settings of most firewalls allow you to block something that isn't safe to read or watch.
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