If you want to reach your Xfinity gateway using the Xfinity app, then you need to first launch the Xfinity My Account app. If the school is down, hit theInternet tile option, select the modem, and hit therestart this device option. Now, the restart process will take some time.
You can also restart the finance gateway with the help of my account online. First, log in to your account with the help of your Xfinity ID and password. Choose the manage internet option. Now click on the option restart modem. This will perform a restart procedure on your Xfinity gateway. You can also restart your Xfinity gateway manually and with the help of an admin tool.
When you restart your Xfinity router, youcan't use your home network. If you are an Xfinity voice user, then you won't be able to use the calling feature. You can't even place a call to 911 until your Xfinity gateway comes online again. In case you are using Xfinity home, then you won't be able to access connected smart devices and cameras.
To restart an xFi gateway, launch the Xfinity app or go to the xfinity.com website and then sign in to Xfinity by entering your user ID and password.
In order to restart your Xfinity gateway manually, below are the simple steps that you need to follow.
If you wish to restart your Xfinity Gateway using the Admin tool, then follow the simple steps mentioned below.
Below-mentioned are the 5 reset options under Advanced Features. To restart your Xfinity gateway using these reset options, read below.
Xfinity Reset:This process is the same as disconnecting and reconnecting the router.
Reset Wi-Fi Module:It turns off the Wi-Fi radio option of your gateway and then turns it on again.
Reset XfinityWi-Fi Router:This process is the same as restarting a Wi-Fi router that is connected to a cable modem.
Restore Factory Settings on Xfinity Route:This option restores the wireless gateway settings to factory default. This includes Wi-Fi credentials, parental controls, managed devices, and firewall settings.
If you factory reset your Xfinity gateway, you will get disconnected from the network temporarily. If required, you can change the Wi-Fi name and password to reconnect the devices to the home network using the newly-created credentials.
Restore Wi-Fi Settings on Xfinity Router:In this process, your Wi-Fi settings will go back to factory default values.
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