
How to Change Buffalo Router Username and Password

Hello, Please let me know that how to change Buffalo router username and password. I bought this new router and now i am trying to change username and password. But don't know how to do it. Help me.

  • Bart

  • 1


  • 1 year ago

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Answer - 1

The web interface of the Buffalo Router allows you to manage your router settings to suit your needs. With the help of this interface, you can change your router's settings and store all the settings online.

It is a gigabit router consisting of four Ethernet ports allowing 10 to 1000 Mbps wired or wireless connectivity. It has a frequency of up to 2.4 GHz with one RJ-45 WAN Port and one USB Port.

If you want to change the username and password of Buffalo Router, then it is very easy; you just need to follow some steps from the guidelines and configure the router's interface.

You May Perform Necessarily Actions by Buffalo Router Login Web Interface

  • You can change your network name.
  • You can also change your Wi-Fi network name and password.
  • You can also change your credentials like username and password.
  • You can also alter your DHCP Client address.
  • Necessary things are required to access the Buffalo router web interface
  • Network Access: You should have network either by using LAN wire or wireless network.
  • Browser: You are required a web browser to access the Buffalo router web interface.
  • These above are the guideline steps to connect your Buffalo router interface for configuration.

Procedure to Login Buffalo Router Web Interface

  • Firstly, you need to make sure that you are connected with your home network either by using LAN cable or with wireless network and if you are not connected with your home network, you will not able to connect with buffalo router web interface.
  • After confirmation with your network connectivity, you need to open your web browser by entering IP address in the browser address bar.
  • The default IP address is, if this IP address does not work with your browser, you should open this buffalo router web interface with default buffalo IP address list for your router model.
  • Now Buffalo router web interface will be open and it will ask you to enter your credentials like username and password. If you are not aware or forgot your username and password, you need to watch out default Buffalo credentials to check out and how to reset them.

How to Lookout Your Default Username and Password for Your Buffalo Router?

  • You need to look out on the one column right of router model number where you will see your username.
  • You need to lookout another column to the right where you will see your buffalo router password.

There are default username and password list, which you can look out as per their model.

Configuration of Your Buffalo Router

  1. Once you have entered in the Buffalo router web interface admin panel, you can change your existing settings but you should be extra careful that you should not break or halt your network by doing some extra or irrelevant settings.
  2. One of the great tip is suppose you are going to change your network setting or credentials settings, you can keep your default settings on the paper firstly because if a sudden disaster may done, you can reconfigure your setting by looking out them.

Troubleshooting Buffalo Router After Changing Configuration

  1. Suppose if you have made some changes in your existing configuration and your network stops working. In that case you need to start your configuration from first steps by following some generic techniques 30 30 30 hard reset tricks.
  2. But if you are still accessing your buffalo router web interface panel, you should login the system and keep trying to change your existing settings with default settings first by looking out settings which you have written already on the paper or some other place.
  3. These are the step by step instructions to change Buffalo router username and password.

Features of Buffalo Router:

  • Buffalo router is a gigabit router which contains four Ethernet port.
  • Buffalo router allow 10 to 1000 Mbps wired or wireless connectivity.
  • It has 2.4 GHz frequency.
  • It has two antenna.
  • It also has one RJ-45 WAN Port.
  • It also contains one USB Port.

Providing Features by Buffalo Router:

  • It is useful to enhance wireless coverage.
  • It has open source firmware this means, you can get update easily using internet.
  • It provide fast wireless connectivity.
  • No hard set up is required, everyone can setup this easily.
  • It is compatible with your existing adapter and devices.
  • It also provide encryption option for your wireless security.
  • Published by:  Maria   
  •  5 months ago