
How to Configure a VPN on Netgear Router

Hello, Please let me know that how to configure a vpn on Netgear router. I am facing this issue of configure a vpn on Netgear router. Help me

  • Mike

  • 1


  • 2 years ago

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Answer - 1

Configure a VPN on Netgear:

Sometimes we feel that the routers we are using or the internet connection that we are using is not safe enough. In that condition, we need to be sure that the minimum requirements of safety are met.

If we did that the internet or the router is not safe, then we need to find some other mediums then we need to check all the required steps to check who is snooping and who in the background is checking what you are surfing on the internet. In that situation, you need a VPN and if it's a Netgear router then you need to know How to configure VPN on Netgear Router.

The Simple Step by Step Solutions for Configuring Netgear Router VPN and How to Configure VPN on Netgear:

Step 1: Firstly, you need an Internet browser to use this process. Open the main Internet browser that you use. That can be either Google Chrome or Firefox or Internet Explorer.

Step 2: Open the browser and go to the search bar and you need to put the address Then press enter and let the browser open the result.

Step 3: After that, you need to go for the Netgear Login Page. After that, you need to put the important credentials in the required fields. You need to put the admin and password in required fields.

Step 4: Remember that password and username is in the condition of case sensitive.

Step 5: As soon as the Home page of the router login page opens then you need to open the Advanced option.

Step 6: After Going into Advanced go into the Advanced Setup.

Step 7: Then go into the option of VPN. You will be greeted with the VPN page.

Step 8: After that click on specific VPN service that you want to activate.

Step 9: After that go For Windows button to download the appropriate VPN according to your choice.

Step 10: After that, you need to install the VPN on Windows and then come back to the VPN page of Netgear Router.

Step 11: after the VPN software is installed on your computer then you need to specify the destination folder where the VPN files are and learn where the path is.

Step 12: Select the preferred folder and after that unzip this zipped folder and then open the file.

Step 13: For clients and devices you need to modify the name of the VPN into NETGEAR-VPN.

Step 14: after that, you need to access the network settings in your PC.

Step 15: Now go to Network & Sharing Center, then go to Change adapter settings

Step 16: In LAN or Local Area Network Option and go to Windows Adapter

Remember: Not changing the name will make the connection fail. This is how you how to configure a VPN on Netgear Router.


The company is from The United States of America and the company has the headquarters in San Jose, in the state of California. Today, Netgear is the manufacturer of all telecom equipment’s that includes Modems, Routers, telecommunications systems for companies, and some more products that are related to telecom.

If you are searching for the best quality of internet surfing and want to know how it can be done. Then don't worry, I will help you fully from the start and tell you the whole process of configuring VPN in Netgear router.

  • Published by:  Cyrus   
  •  2 years ago