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How to Install NETGEAR Router Software

I have Netgear router wpn824 v2. But I am unable to download the software because I am not getting the latest version which I can install on Dell Laptop (Windows 7). Can anybody help me?

  • user Mark

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    2 years ago

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To install Netgear router, follow these instructions one by one-

1.First of all, you have to connect Netgear router to the modem by using an ethernet cable.You have to plug an ethernet cable into Netgear router’s internet port.

2.After this, take another networking cable for connecting Netgear router to your system. Next, plug the router into the constant power source and press power button.

3.Open your favorite web browser and type “” in the address bar.

Log into Netgear router using default credentials i.e., “admin” as username and “password” in the password field. Enter these values and press a click on Login button i.e., displaying below these fields.

4.After logging into Netgear wizard, move to router’s settings. For changing router’s network name, search SSID and enter a new value in this field.

5.Next, move to security option and choose “WPA2- PSK (AES)” as the encryption method.

6.At last, save the changes by clicking on the Apply button.

7.Now, you can connect the wireless device to Netgear router and enjoy the hassle-free internet. Make sure password is needed for connecting to Netgear router, so make sure you are using correct password for connecting to Netgear router.

If any problem arises with Netgear router then immediately call at Netgear Router Technical Support Number and get rid of all annoying problems instantly.

  • Published by:  Henry   
  •  2 years ago
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Answer - 2

Install NETGEAR Router Software:

Hi, setting up the Netgear router is possible using two different way, either you can go for the smart setup wizard or you can also use the manual setup. You will receive a configuration CD with every router model you purchase from the market.

Just follow this-

1. Connect an Ethernet cable from the router to computer first or even wirelessly.

2. Open your browser and type Router Login or

3. The login screen will appear. If you haven't set any custom login so the default will be Username-admin and Password-password.

4. Log in and you will be on Netgear dashboard.

All the best!!!

  • Published by:  Alex   
  •  2 years ago