Setup Linksys RE6300 Extender as Extender Mode
Setup Linksys RE6300 Extender as Extender mode is now made simple with the below steps. Setting up your extender doesn’t need any software installation or drive setup because in the below steps we are setting up the extender through web based setup feature. All you need is a strong Wi-Fi connection and its username and password.
Before you start the setup process, make sure that your Linksys RE6300 Extender has a blinking orange light.
- Connect your device to the range extender’s SSID, which is Linksys Extender Setup – xxx using your computer system or your mobile device.
NOTE: The xxx represents the last three characters of the Linksys RE6300’s MAC address. This can be found on the label at the back of the device.
- Go to the web browser and type "" or "" in the Address bar.
- Click on the “Range extender and access point”, once the setup page appears on your screen.
- Choose your home Wi-Fi network from the available Wi-Fi networks appearing on the screen.
NOTE: If your Wi-Fi is also using a 5 GHz band, you should see it with the 2.4 GHz band.
- Punch in your Router’s Wi-Fi password and click next.
- You can also change your LinksysRE6300 Extenders Network Name in the next step.
NOTE: If you have a hidden SSID, scroll all the way down the list and click Manually Enter Network Name and Password in the field and then click on Next. Otherwise, wait until it detects your Wi-Fi.
- You will be prompted to configure the extended wireless network that the range extender will be broadcasting once you are connected. Change the settings as per you prefer or let it remain the defaults as it is and then click on Next.
NOTE: The extended wireless network is the Wi-Fi that your range extender will broadcast for nearby networks to connect to.
- If your Spot Finder signifies that the Linksys RE6300's locations is just right then click on Next. It helps to determine the signal strength among your range extender and router.
- Try repeating the first step if your range extender seems to be too far or too closer.
- To secure your Linksys RE6300, we recommend you to create an admin password and may also add a password hint if you have any.
- Next thing you have to do is Click on save.
- A dialogue box will appear on the screen and you have to click on Register your product.
- Type your Email address in the field and click on Next.
Linksys extender setup re6300
- Published by: Chris
2 years ago