
How to Turn Your Old Router into a Repeater

How to Turn Your Old Router into a Repeater
  • Suraj Singh

  • 1


  • 1 year ago

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Answer - 1

Turn Your Old Router into a Repeater:

Do you have dead spots or poor Wi-Fi connections in your house? This is a problem that many people are confronted with.. You want consistent service across your home but don't want to spend a fortune on a mesh network setup.

If you have an old router lying around, you can Turn Your Old Router into a Repeater for less than $20 and a small amount of your time to get full coverage. Even if you don't have an old router, you can acquire one for a low price on a website like eBay.

What You Will Require

You'll need the following items to turn your router into a Wi-Fi repeater:

  • Unfortunately, there is no Wi-Fi on this powerline network adaptor.
  • Old router (802.11n or 802.11ac)
  • Ethernet cord
  • Extension cord

How to Create Your New Repeater

First, determine the IP address of your present router, the channel it transmits on, and the security type it uses.

  • Open Settings.
  • Select Network and Internet from the menu.
  • Select "Network and Sharing Center" from the drop-down menu.
  • Adapter settings need to be changed.
  • Right-click on your Wi-Fi and select.
  • Select Status.
  • Select Details from the drop-down menu.
  • Make a note of the primary router's default gateway address.

Connect to the Primary Router

To connect to your present router, follow these steps:

  • First, you can access it by entering the IP address or the address provided by your router's manufacturer into your browser.
  • Belkin – http://router
  • D-Link – http://mydlinkrouter.local
  • Linksys – http://myrouter.local
  • Asus –
  • Netgear –
  • TP-Link – or

Username and password are required fields. You can usually find it on the bottom of the router or online if you don't know it already.

Make Sure Your Wi-Fi Settings are Correct.

  • We won't make any changes to this step. We need information about your Wi-Fi settings so that we can set up the second router.
  • Find your router's name, channel, and security type on the homepage you just visited.
  • Make a list of these, but don't change anything.
  • Log out.

Reset Your Old Router

The first thing you should do with the old router erases all stored data from its previous life.

  • Turn the router on.
  • Place a paper clip or other small, thin object in the reset hole on the router's back.
  •  For around thirty seconds, could you keep it in?
  • When you release the button, all of the lights should go off and then turn back on. It's now set to factory settings.

Setup the Secondary Router

To get the router ready to use, follow these steps:

  • First, disconnect a PC from the network by turning off the primary router.
  • Connect your router to a PC that isn't on the network.
  • Repeat step 1 until you reach the configuration page with the old router.

Copy the Primary Router's Configuration

Now you must paste the information you copied from your primary router's settings into the repeater's settings.

  • Any setup wizards should be ignored.
  • Go to the Wi-Fi settings option.
  • Turn on the wireless.
  • Change the network name to the primary router's name.
  • Choose a channel that is not the same as the primary router's.
  • The security type must be the same.
  • Assign a password that is the same as the primary one.

Give the Old Router a Static IP Address.

Your repeater's router will require its IP address.

Go to the LAN configuration page and give the router an IP address within the primary router's range but outside of the DHCP addresses automatically assigned (Dynamic Host Communications Protocol).

Uncheck DHCP on the configuration screen to disable it.

Please give it a new address, one that is slightly outside of the ones your router has assigned. For example, provide the new address if your router's addresses range from to

  • Save settings.
  • Allow for a reboot.
  • Combine everything.

An extended network cable is the best approach to connect your routers, but this isn't always possible. Use a low-cost powerline networking adaptor instead. Your electrical system will be used as a signal transfer mechanism. Ensure that only one electrical system is linked to the same fuse box.

Examine Your Work

It's now time to double-check your connections.

  • Choose a location that is midway between the dead spot and the primary router.
  • Connect the powerline adapter to the wall outlet.
  • With an ethernet cable, connect the router to the adapter.
  • Please connect to the extension router by turning it on.
  • Check the speed of your connection near your primary router using a site like
  • Compare the speed of the secondary router to the first reading.
  • To check if you can get a speedier connection, move the secondary router around a little.

If you want better Wi-Fi in different house areas but don't have a lot of money, try this first to see if it works.

  • Published by:  Mark   
  •  1 year ago