Belkin is a great company and in router and wireless router business for a long time. But there is some issue that the company needs to solve. Till the company doesn’t send a firmware update we will try our best to fix that. Yes! We are talking about the Belkin Range Extender Blinking Orange issue and we will help you with the full procedure on how to fix that.
When you are facing the problem of Orange light blinking in Belkin range Extender or amber light is blinking, there are many issues related to that problem. Today I will tell you all the important steps you can check what’s the issue and how to solve this issue.
Important: Please check that you are getting proper internet connection and services on your Modem and on your other devices that includes your computer and phones, etc.
If the light is still not green then you need to solve complex steps that I will discuss with you further.
Now you have to check the IP address and maybe the problem is hidden inside that then you can change the different settings and maybe the problem gets solved.
Now connect the Belkin range extender again to IP address that is your default one and maybe the problem is related to it.
Step 1: You need to reset Belkin range extender and for that, you need a paper clip.
Step 2: Press the reset button for 30 seconds and power of the range extender afterward.
Step 3: Now switch on the Belkin Range Extender and then set the extender according to your settings and afterward you need to connect the extender to your computer or your smartphone whether the internet is working properly or not.
You have surely checked all the problems and your Belkin range extender is working again. If anybody is having the same problem as Belkin Extender Blinking Orange, then share this article with that person.
Belkin is a manufacturer of Electronics and other items that specialize in masking consumer electronics like communication devices, mobile phone, iPad, iPod and other types of accessories. Today, the parent company of Belkin is Foxconn and its CEO till date is Chet Pipkin. The main headquarters of the company is in Los Angeles, California in The United States of America.
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