How do I Change my Buffalo Airstation Password ?

Change Buffalo AirStation Password

There are the Following Step by Step Procedure to Change Buffalo AirStation default Password:

  • Firstly connect the AirStation to the personal computer and power on both the devices
  • Now you need to open any installed browser and enter the AirStation’s IP address into the address bar. If you do not know the AirStation’s IP address, you need to checkup the setup card which comes with your buffalo AirStation Package or you can use AirStation Configuration tool to display such information
  • Now you need to login to setting page where the default username is admin and the default password is password. You have to enter these details in the given appropriate boxes.

  • On logging successfully, you have seen many of the options. Out of many options, you have to click on the wireless tile.

  • Enter a new SSID for the 11n and or the 11c network and then click on the apply button. You need to make sure that SSID does not conflict with another device SSID on the network.
  • In the setting pane, you can change the SSID and you can select encryption techniques by choosing the option from the drop-down value. You can choose or select your desired password or encryption key and select the channels you want. By default, it is selecting the auto channel option and also select bandwidth for your device.

  • When you are done with this setup, log out of the setting and close the web browser.

Brief About Buffalo Router:

Buffalo router is the most exciting and widely used router which works on the 2.4 GHz band and this router is developed by buffalo technology. An external power adapter is used for the power supply. Buffalo router has some distinctive features like Buffalo router support NAT and firewall protection. Buffalo router comes with integrated 4 port switches and its data transfer rate is 108 Mbps.

Buffalo router comes with three external antennas that are used to cover more network coverage. Buffalo router interface works on Ethernet 10 base T technology and buffalo router supports RJ-45 connector type. Buffalo AirStation wireless router works on high power technologies that improve coverage and reduce or eliminates dead spots. This is very simple in the installation and uses for the novice user. Buffalo AirStation wireless router supports AOSS/WPS also.

The Requirement to Access the Buffalo Router:

There is the Following Requirement to Access Buffalo Router Which are:

  • First, you are required buffalo router
  • You are able to access the network with either through the local area network or through a wireless networks.
  • Any installed web browser on your machine.

The Process to Access the Configuration Interface for the AirStation:

Before the operation, you are required following things that are mandatory to perform this operation.

  • You should connect your personal computer to the AirStation by a wireless or wired router to access the web-based configuration interface.
  • If the configuration tool is not installed, install it with the setup CD.
  • You need to disable security software temporarily which might be trend micro, Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee. 
  • Complete process to access configuration interface for the AirStation:
  • First select start->all program->Buffalo air station utility->buffalo AirStation configuration tool
  • Click on the Next button
  • Select the AirStation which you want to configure and click on next
  • Enter the username and password and click on OK

For the username and password refers to an administrator card if it was not included in the AirStation

The Factory Default of User-Friendly Firmware

Username = root

Password= empty

The Factory Default for Professional Firmware

Username= root

Password= admin

General Buffalo Airstation Troubleshooting:

What you Have to do When my Buffalo Router or Network Stops Working After the Configuration Page:

In case if you have made changes in your network setting by mistake which might cause you to break your buffalo home network? You can always go back to zero by following a hard reset operation. You should go with 30-30 hard reset tricks which are quite generic.

This is the last resort and if you still have facing problem in accessing the buffalo router admin interface page, you can always log in to try and revert the setting which you have done earlier. This has assumed that you have written all the settings with its original values at a safe place before performing the changing operation.

This is the detailed document on How do I change Buffalo AirStation default password and after following above tips, still you are facing any kind of issue, you can contact Buffalo router team to resolve your issue in a very precise manner.