
How to Hard Reset a Buffalo Router

I was trying to configure my Buffalo WZR-600DHP to connect to a VPN and send all traffic through it. I've managed to completely screw up the routing table, so I want to reset the unit back to factory settings. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me find the reset button. As I am visually impaired, the diagrams in the manual, if any, do not help me. Can someone please describe the location of the reset button on this type of router? I've spent all morning trying various buttons and places that look like pin-hole reset buttons, and just haven't had any luck.

  • Mili

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  • 2 years ago

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Hard Reset Buffalo Router:

Usually buffalo develops a change mainly for home users as well as business environment. Buffalo works as a router. Mostly buffalo routers works as an interface and used for the web based configuration interface which provides to change router settings like change in router's IP address or some new changes as login information.

Here are some steps that help to make hard reset a buffalo router. If in case you forget or lose your router's password then your router's configuration is no longer and is not ready to apply to the current environment network. Thus hard reset returns back your fresh installation.

Read These Steps and Able to Install a Hard Reset Buffalo Router as includes;

Step 1 : First of all press your router's reset button for 30-35 seconds which is located at the back of your buffalo router.

Step 2 : Without releasing the hold button (pressing it continue) disconnect or make power off of your buffalo's router.

Step 3 : After a few 10 seconds reconnect the router's power on.

Step 4 : Then continue pressing the reset button until 30-35 seconds.

Step 5 : To make your Buffalo router reinitialize on its own just release the reset button and wait for 60 seconds approx... To start in a fresh mode.

Hope this will enjoying by using these steps manually and this is the easiest way to make hard reset Buffalo router.

  • Published by:  Curtis   
  •  2 years ago
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Reset Buffalo Router -

Buffalo is a known manufacturer of networking devices like router units for home as well as office use. These router units have web-based configuration for changing the settings of the router such as IP address and information required for logging into the router.

There is a chance that you may not be able to use your router because of forgetting or losing the password. There is a chance that the settings of configuration may not work on the present environment of networking.

In such a situation you have required to hard reset Buffalo router for going back to the default configuration settings. After that, you need to perform a fresh installation. 

Step 1: The foremost thing that you need to do is to press and hold the button of reset given at the back of your router for 30 seconds. 

Step 2: Disconnect your router device from the electrical outlet while you are holding your reset button. 

Step 3: Connect the router back to the power source after 5 seconds. 

Step 4: Keep on holding the reset button for at least 30 seconds. 

Step 5: Release the button of reset and wait for around 1 minute so that your Buffalo access point gets enough time to reinitialize itself. 

How to Reset Buffalo AirStation?

Making changes in the configuration settings of your computer system becomes a mandatory requirement when a lot of devices interact through Wi-Fi connections. Resetting a Buffalo router means to bring it back to the factory default settings.

However, this company makes a lot of router models particularly under the name of buffalo AirStation. You can reset the router by following the two different methods that are given below. 

Reset Switch

Most of the routers manufactured by the Buffalo company like AirStation WHR-G300N have an access hole located at their bottom. It is the place where you are required to place a straightened paper clip for pressing the reset button for starting and reset Buffalo AirStation. 

Software for Configuration 

Generally, wireless routers and modems require a computer system, smartphone or a tab for completing the process of configuration. Moreover, you can reset as well as initialize the configuration tool, which is inbuilt in your router.

If you use software to reset Buffalo router, then these are the simple steps that you need to follow. 

Step 1: The foremost thing that you need to do is to connect your router to the computer system using an ethernet wire. 

Step 2: Launch your internet browser on the host computer device and then put in the IP address of your router. is a default IP address for all buffalo products but if you change the configuration, then the IP address will also get changed.

Step 3: First enter the user ID and the password. The username and password may differ depending upon the user updates and model. The default User ID is root and there is no password by default. Therefore, you have to leave the password section blank.

There is an alternate username and password, which is admin and password. 

Now that you have access to the tool of configuration. Start looking for restart or initialize page, which is placed below the configuration tab like on your WHR-G300N. Selecting the option of restart keeps the present settings of the user.

If you choose initialize reset, then put your device to the factory default settings. 

Locating the Information of Buffalo Router

Buffalo inc. offers a handy web page for recovering the documentation for the model of your Buffalo router. Enter the model number of your Buffalo router to start looking for the details specifically related to your device. 

So, these are all the steps that you are required to follow in order to hard reset your Buffalo router. 

  • Published by:  Sandra   
  •  2 years ago