
How to Reset the Password for Buffalo TeraStation

Does anyone know if it's possible to hack or reset the Buffalo TeraStation password on these I've forgotten it and what I've written down isn't correct and I've tried all manner of other combinations.

  • Luca

  • 1


  • 2 years ago

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Answer - 1

Buffalo Terastation Reset Password:

Although Buffalo Terastation are generally made up of large storage network devices and are mainly used for large quantities of data information. These buffalo Terastation are specially made up of for large business organization or as huge company corporations.

This allows to keep your official work with its best performance as well as reliability requirements. The network setup to reset the password for Buffalo Terastation is too easy the storage devices. While resetting the password on the Buffalo Terastations will already change your other Terastation to as default.

Here are Some Important Steps as Discussed Below to Reset Buffalo Terastation Password :-

Step-1 First of all open your front panel in your Buffalo Terastation Pro/ProII/ProII Rack mount device.

Step-2 At the left corner of the LCD screen press the red button for 10-15 seconds. This helps to reset the password of Buffalo Terastation.

Step-3 At behind the Terastation HD-H/HS-D device press or may hold the I nit button for 15-20 seconds. This starts blinking or may flashing the Diag LED light. This whole process will finishes your reset the password for Buffalo Terastation.

Above steps will appears to reset the password for Buffalo Terastation. These easy steps are so easy without any errors. Buffalo Terastation users can easily make to reset the buffalo Terastation password.

  • Published by:  Dan   
  •  2 years ago