How to Set up Buffalo Whr-HP-G54 Router as Wireless Access Point?

Set up Buffalo Whr HP G54 Router as Wireless Access Point | Buffalo Airstation G54

To set Buffalo g54 router as a wireless access point, you need to check these points -

Step 1 : You can easily add AirStation to the network without modifying LAN configuration. For this process, you have to put Airstation in AP mode by moving the switch from AUTO to BRI.

Step 2 : After this, you have to connect AirStation's LAN port to existing router i.e. Belkin router by using an ethernet cable.

Step 3 : In next step, you have to change the IP address of your system.

Step 4 : After this, open your favourite web browser and type “” in the address bar and hit Enter key.

Now, Airstation configuration tool will open on the computer’s screen.

Step 5 : Now, move to LAN configuration and configure these settings -

IP Address –

Subnet mask –

Step 6 : After making these changes, restore your system’s IP address settings to their previous values.

If you need any help then ask for support by approaching Buffalo router team.

FAQ for Set up Buffalo Whr-HP-G54 Router as Wireless Access Point

Q1. How do I set up my WHR-HP-G54 Buffalo AirStation G54 as a wireless access point? Ans: To set up your WHR-HP-G54 Buffalo AirStation G54 as a wireless access point, connect it to your main router, log in to the settings, and disable DHCP. Then, set your Wi-Fi name and password.
Q2. Can I use my Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 as an access point? Ans: Yes, you can! Just configure your Buffalo AirStation WHR-HP-G54 to work as an access point by disabling the router’s DHCP and connecting it to your main network. It’ll extend your Wi-Fi coverage.