My Dell computer uses a Belkin Surf N 300 Router to offer a secure connection to two laptops, two desktop computers, and two smartphone. We haven't had many issues with it, but when we got back from a three day vacation, both the lights for 'wireless' and 'secure' had been turned off and the wireless isn't working, even after three more days. The internet on our main desktop computer is still working, though. I've tried holding the reset button, then unplugging it from everything, waiting 10 seconds after the lights went out, and plugging it back in. Nothing's worked. The router and internet lights are still working. I really need help with this, but please provide me easy method to configure this issue.
2 years ago
Open the Charms menu.
You can access this by swiping from the right of the screen on a touchscreen, or by moving your cursor to the bottom-right corner of the display.
Open the Settings menu.
Click or tap Settings in the Charms menu.
Tap or click the Wireless Network icon.
It looks like signal bars.
Select the network that you want to join. If there is more than one network that you can connect to, select the network that you want from the list.
If you can’t find your network, check that you set it up properly
Acquire a wireless router. There are a variety of factors that will determine which router is best for you. These include distance, interference, transfer speed, and security.
One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a router is the distance between the router and the devices that you are wirelessly connecting. More expensive routers generally have more antennae, which can lead to a more stable connection at further distances.
Another factor to consider is the amount of signal interference. If you have multiple devices that operate on the 2.4 GHz band, such as microwaves and cordless phones, these can interfere with the Wi-Fi signal. Newer routers can operate on the 5 GHz band, which is much less crowded and thus less prone to interference. The drawback is that 5 GHz signals do not travel as far as 2.4 GHz signals.
Transfer speed is a feature to consider. Newer routers claim to be able to transfer data up to 450 Mbps. While this may be helpful when moving data between two computers over a network, it will not increase your general Internet speed, as this is set by your ISP.
There are three main router speeds available: 802.11g (54 Mbps) 802.11n (300 Mbps), and 802.11ac (450 Mbps). It is important to note that these speeds are virtually impossible to attain in any environment other than a clean room free of signal interference.
Finally, make sure that the router you are purchasing has the latest form of wireless encryption, WPA2. This is pretty much standard in all new routers, but is something to consider if purchasing an older, second-hand router. Older encryption algorithms are much less secure; a WEP key can be cracked in just a few minutes.
Connect the router to your modem. Once you’ve purchased your router, you will need to connect it to your modem. The router will have a port in the back labeled WAN/WLAN/Internet. Connect this port to the modem using a standard Ethernet cable.
Make sure that the router is properly powered and turned on.
Connect a computer via Ethernet cable. This step is not always necessary, but can be very useful if you want to set up the wireless router before connecting any wireless devices to it. Connecting a computer through a physical cable will allow you to tinker with the wireless settings without losing your connection to the router.
For optimum efficiency while setting up the router, plug it in next to your computer while you adjust the settings. After you are finished configuring the router, you can move it to where it will normally stay.
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