Tenda routers are being used in foreign countries mainly as Canada, Australia, UK and US. These router runs in a speedily way without any error. In these routers have same common problems such as password recovery, reset tenda routers, Wi-Fi glitches, unable to setup as wired or wireless router, installation/configuration/un-installation problems while connecting to the other device.
Get instant resolutions that help to troubleshoot Tenda Router problems in a specific time.
First Customers check them all hardware Tenda Router Connections.
Step-1 Give one click to advanced settings or on an advanced which gets directly logged into a Tenda router setup page.
Step-2 Now choose advanced settings again and again. Then users need to select WAN speed as directly. Get to change a WAN speed as 10M full-duplex or a 10M half-duplex.
Step-3 In a Tenda router setup page, one needs to choose as System Tools/Management/Tools under the heading of the main menu. Then customers need to select as restore into a factory default or make a process to restore in its default. In the factory default settings, reset the Tenda Router system device.
Step-4 Search the Tenda Router Reset button and keep to hold that reset key button for at least 10-15 seconds. Then a Tenda router will find out the indicators as turned on or off. Then customize all its new settings of this Tenda router device after resetting its process.
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