
My Tenda Wireless Router W311r+ Not Working with TP-Link Router

When I tried to connect my Tenda Wireless router w311R+ to TP-Link router, it does not work. In fact, only power light illuminates when I connect Tenda router with TP-Link. I am too much confused. Is my Tenda router not compatible with TP-Link router or there exist different issue? Help me!

  • Emir

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  • 2 years ago

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Answer - 1

There is a possibility that your Tenda Wireless Router W311r+ may not work with TP-LINK Router and this can be due to both of your router is not supporting WDS, the LAN IP of both routers are same, problem in DHCP settings or other settings problem.

To fix this problem you need to make one of the routers work as a repeater so that you can use both routers.

You can also fix this by checking that you router is supporting WDS, Keeping the LAN IP of both router different and then checking the DHCP settings as well as other settings to help Tenda Wireless Router W311r+ to work with TP-LINK Router.

1. Both your router should support WDS: WDS stands for Wireless distributed system. You should ensure that both your router has this functionality. Your main router TP-Link will act as the primary router while your Tenda router will act as secondary or Repeater.

2. The LAN IP of both routers should be different: In order to make both your router function at the same make sure both your router has a different IP address but in the same range. If your TP-link router's IP address is, then the IP address of Tenda router should be or in the same range.

3. DHCP Settings: In order to make both routers work at the same time, the DHCP settings on the main TP-Link router should be enabled so that it can get an automatic IP address from the server, while the DHCP settings on the Tenda router should be disabled as it would amplify the signal from the first one.

4. Other Settings: The wireless router settings for both the routers should be exactly the same since your network will detect only the primary router as the receiver. For that purpose both the router should have the same SSID, channel, security settings and password as well. You can alter all these settings from the router settings page. Go through other answers to know how to change router settings.

Hopefully, this info will help you setup your Tenda router to your TP-Link router. In case you have any further issues, feel free to revert back and I will be glad to help you out.

Also read: Tenda Router Not Detecting Internet Connection

  • Published by:  Adam   
  •  9 months ago